Alsana St. Louis

1260 St Paul Rd, Wildwood, MO, 63021
Alsana St. Louis

About Alsana St. Louis

About Alsana St. Louis

Alsana St. Louis is an eating disorder treatment community that exists to support individuals in their recovery from an eating disorder. Our holistic Adaptive Care Model and team of eating disorder treatment experts will treat you—as a whole person—not just the disorder.

What We Treat

Alsana St. Louis focuses on helping those suffering from an eating disorder to heal in all aspects of their lives. We treat individuals struggling with Anorexia, Binge-eating disorder, Bulimia, Diabulimia (ED-DMT1), OSFED (otherwise-specified feeding and eating disorders), ARFID (avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder), and Co-occurring conditions.

Who We Treat

Individuals 18-years and older of all genders who are struggling with an eating disorder come to Alsana to heal.

How We Treat

The Adaptive Care Model for eating disorder treatment makes recovery at Alsana St. Louis truly different. The goal of this model is to empower clients with the ability to manage five key aspects of eating disorder treatment.

These are:

  • Medical
  • Relational
  • Nutrition
  • Movement
  • Therapeutic

We believe that each of these five aspects of eating disorder treatment is equally important in achieving and maintaining recovery.

Call Alsana Now For Help 855-602-5022


We heal bodies and minds.

Our medical program is infused with compassion and designed to meet the unique recovery needs of each individual. Its purpose is to provide a physical foundation for lasting recovery and to educate clients about the physiologic changes they experience during the healing process. Care is provided by our multidisciplinary teams of attentive eating disorder treatment professionals within an affirming, respectful environment.


We are accepting of all lived experiences.

Alsana is committed to embracing and respecting client and staff diversity. This commitment includes diversity based on ethnicity, race, nationality, neurodiversity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, spirituality, ability, economic class, social class, and body shape and size. Our approach is to create an affirming environment where clients show up as their whole self, including the context of their culture, identities, and lived experiences.

Alsana affirms the scientific evidence that oppression, including stigma and discrimination, has a significant negative impact on staff and clients’ mental health, physical health, and overall well being. We provide affirming care and incorporate the client's community into their eating disorder treatment process.


We believe in and practice all-inclusive nutrition.

Nutritional care is designed in alignment with our “all-inclusive nutrition” philosophy, which embraces flexibility and the enjoyment of foods without shame or self-judgment. Our goal is to create food neutrality by taking the moral judgment out of food and focusing on nourishment, flexibility, and pleasure in the nutritional healing process.

Clients gain valuable culinary skills and nutrition education, and are encouraged to explore their personal and cultural connections with food. We believe in healing that reflects each client's unique life story and adapting their meal plan to embrace their journey to recovery.


We support movement for every body.

The movement program employs a variety of engaging techniques that invite clients to explore their motivations and relationships with exercise. We rely on evidence-based, eating disorder-specific movement therapy interventions, with movement experientials that include a mix of sports, games, recreational outings, dance, art, expressive activities, walks, and stretching. We incorporate relaxation, yoga, meditation training, and psychoeducation about movement into the treatment experience.


We cultivate compassion.

Alsana provides a soft landing for clients by meeting them with care and understanding rather than rigidity. We take a de-shame and de-blame stance that empowers clients and honors their intrinsic wisdom. We offer empathetic understanding and thoughtful interventions to support clients in leaning into difficult emotions so they can be learned from, tolerated, and disentangled from harmful behavior. By providing evidence-based and compassionate care, we help clients to reduce self-criticism while building the foundation for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Alsana Locations and Levels of Care

Alsana is an eating recovery community and treatment provider with in-person Residential and PHP/IOP programs in Alabama (Birmingham), California (Monterey, Santa Barbara, Westlake Village, and Thousand Oaks), and Missouri (St. Louis), and Virtual PHP/IOP offerings across the United States.

Alsana St. Louis offers eating disorder treatment at residential, day treatment, intensive outpatient, and virtual php/iop levels of care, and offers 24/7 live chat to those who have questions concerning eating disorder treatment. Chat today:

Online Eating Disorder Support Groups

Alsana believes recovery happens in community and relationships. We offer various eating disorder support groups that can be found by visiting

Our support groups are educational in nature and provide participants with an online community in which one can receive support and encouragement from the facilitator as well as peers. All are welcome, and we would love to have you join us.

We know that choosing to enter eating disorder treatment at any level is frightening and brings about feelings of uncertainty. We want to help you find the right fit for treatment, even if it’s not with us. Call us today to speak with one of our master’s level clinicians about your next step toward a recovered life: 855-602-5022.

Office Location

Map of Alsana St. Louis

Treatment Type

  • Primary Eating Disorder Treatment

Program Type

  • Residential

Therapy Offering

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Expressive Arts Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Compassion Focused Therapy
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Art Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Gender Specificity

  • Males Inclusive


  • LGBTQ Inclusive


  • Diet/Nutrition Therapy/Counseling
  • Experiential Therapies
  • Alternative Therapies
  • Co-Occurring Issues Treatment
  • Family Therapy/Program
  • Cognitive Therapies


  • Eating Disorders


  • ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Bulimia
  • Anorexia

Client Focus

  • Adults


  • Individuals
  • Family
  • Alternative Therapies
  • Behavioral Therapies
  • Psychotherapies
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