Featured Eating Disorder Treatment Centers

Featured Eating Disorder Treatment Centers for the treatment of eating disorders have been carefully reviewed by Eating Disorder Hope. Each facility is a recognized expert in providing treatment for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or other disordered eating. These treatment clinics have “virtual brochures” – full-page program overviews and pictures of their facilities, to help you better understand the nuances of each program and create a list of eating disorder treatment centers to contact and begin the journey to recovery.

Platinum Sponsors

Within Health

Virtual Treatment Team & App

Within Health has revolutionized eating disorder treatment by providing highly personalized, clinical treatment in the comfort of the patient’s own home.


Fay helps you find eating disorder treatment that’s covered by your insurance. Offering virtual and in-person care, you can find personalized support tailored to your lifestyle. With the largest network of Registered Dietitians in the country, accessing life-changing nutrition therapy is now accessible and affordable.

Gold Sponsors





    Virtual Treatment ~ Lasting Recovery is Possible

    Equip is a pioneering virtual eating disorder treatment program built by clinical experts and people with lived experience. Patients are supported by a multidisciplinary care team that delivers personalized, evidence-based treatment to achieve lasting recovery. No waitlist, all ages, covered by insurance.

    Eating disorder treatment that works—delivered at home.

    Equip logo

    Focus Treatment Centers

    Chattanooga & Knoxville, Tennessee ~ Focus on Recovery

    Focus Treatment Centers recognizes that various forms of eating disorders are serious and complex illnesses that manifest through a variety of factors. As a Center of Excellence, Focus provides gold-standard treatment modalities with experienced and compassionate professionals in the fields of psychology, nutrition, and psychiatry. Our multi-disciplinary approach offers an emotionally and medically safe environment to encompass treating the full spectrum of disordered eating.

    Focus Treatment Centers Main Building


    St. Louis, Missouri ~ Start the Road to Recovery

    Alsana is an eating recovery community that exists to support individuals in their recovery from an eating disorder. Our holistic Adaptive Care Model and team of eating disorder experts will treat you — as a whole person — not just the disorder.

    Alsana - Living Room

    Reasons Eating Disorder Center

    Rosemead, California ~ Reasons for Recovery

    Reasons Eating Disorder Center was founded on the belief that healing transcends treatment. Our team of expert staff is focused on providing the highest quality treatment for anorexia, bulimia, and related forms of disordered eating. Reasons offers the full continuum of care including inpatient, residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient programs. At Reasons Eating Disorder Center, our mission is to help you find your own reasons to hope, to have courage, to trust, and to grow.

    Reasons Living Room - 201x135 - 4-11-14

    Center For Change

    Orem, Utah ~ A Place for Hope & Healing

    At Center for Change, we treat adolescent and adult women struggling with eating disorders and we provide a multifaceted, interdisciplinary approach to treating the whole person. We believe that everyone has the ability for a complete and full recovery.

    The Center for Change Eating Disorder Treatment Centers

    UCSD Eating Disorders Center

    San Diego, California ~ Leaders in Eating Disorder Research

    UCSD Eating Disorders Center for Treatment and Research provides evidence-based treatment for adults, adolescents, and children struggling with eating disorders. Levels of care include inpatient, residential, PHP, IOP, and outpatient.

    UCSD Seal
