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International Interview Series: Dr. Gregory Jantz, Founder of The Center ▪ A Place of Hope’s Ministry in Ecuador

International Interview Series contributor: Dr. Gregory Jantz, Founder of The Center ▪ A Place of Hope’s Ministry in Ecuador
1. What inspired you to start a ministry in Ecuador?
Many years ago, The Center had a family that sent their daughter to us. She was young, about 15 or 16 years old. As we treated her and learned about her environment in Ecuador, it created an awareness for us of the significance of eating disorders in South America. The United States has the best clinics in the world for the treatment of eating disorders, but people all over the world deserve outstanding care for this very serious disorder. And not just eating disorders, but other challenges like depression and anxiety. With that realization, it inspired us to start our ministry.
2. What keeps you in this work, day after day?
It really is pretty simple for me. I see vulnerable lives changed for good every day, and it’s really seeing that change in people’s lives that continues to inspire and challenge me. It really is a dual point of encouragement – for the client and for me personally. To know we’re making a difference for someone who only a few weeks ago felt helpless, and today leaves our facility excited about their future…there’s nothing else that can compare to that.
3. What type of support does A Place of Hope’s ministry in Ecuador provide the eating disorder community?
It’s the only place in Quito, Ecuador, where one can get help for eating disorders. There are counselors in the city for sure, but there are no other eating disorder facilities. The only other solution is to go to a hospital. But there is no dedicated eating disorder treatment except our program.
Our facility has been there for 15 years and is actually a house. Like most businesses in Ecuador, we have a guard stationed outside, with barbed wire around the house. Our facility uses counselors, and a doctor comes in at times, as does a dietician. We can’t do all that we can do at A Place of HOPE. But, it’s an effort to replicate our whole person care that we see changes lives.
It is very important to understand where your client is coming from culturally. There are very unique pressure for females, and we need to understand that. Celebrities with eating disorders have a big influence on younger girls, and they can tend to idolize their eating behaviors. In Ecuador, the facility uses our old literature and logo because they don’t have many resources. But it is a highly verbal culture, so if you tell one person, the rest here about it. They treat about 20 people per month.
In South American culture, there exists a culture of eating disorders, it almost becomes “normal”… eating disorders are often not really seen as a problem, put through their cultural lenses. The disorder is mainly younger pre-teen girls and up. Eating disorders are not just a western culture issue, they are prevalent in other cultures, too. In the U.S., if you’re anorexic, you’re sick. If you’re too thin in another culture, it can be considered “okay.”
4. What encouragement do you have for someone actively struggling with an eating disorder?
Stay with it, and don’t give up. It will be worth it if you don’t give up. There are future rewards, and perseverance is key. Nobody regrets continuing the recovery process, and know there are people to help you along the way.
Learn more about eating disorder resources throughout South America.
About Dr. Jantz: Pioneering whole-person care 30 years ago, renowned Mental Health Expert Dr. Gregory Jantz has dedicated his life’s work to creating possibility for others and helping people change their lives for good.
He developed the multi-disciplinary treatment approach, whole-person care, that treats the entire person instead of the just their symptoms.
Dr. Jantz founded The Center • A Place of HOPE to help people transform their lives. His world-class team of professionals address the medical, physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual considerations involved in recovery.
Dr. Jantz is a best-selling author of 35 books and a go-to media expert for a range of behavioral-based afflictions. He appears regularly on CNN, FOX, ABC, and CBS and is a contributor to The Huffington Post and Psychology Today.
We at Eating Disorder Hope understand that eating disorders result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.
The opinions and views of our guest contributors are shared to provide a broad perspective of eating disorders. These are not necessarily the views of Eating Disorder Hope, but an effort to offer discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on November 8, 2016.
Published on EatingDisorderHope.com

The EatingDisorderHope.com editorial team comprises experienced writers, editors, and medical reviewers specializing in eating disorders, treatment, and mental and behavioral health.