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How Food Can be Healing in Recovery from Physical Abuse

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC for Eating Disorder Hope
Healing from abuse often occurs a multiple levels, including physical healing, emotional repair, mental restoration, spiritually, relationally, and more.
When a person has endured any form of abuse, whether it be psychological, physical, or sexual as some examples, therapeutic measures are needed to help find resolve and healing.
The Relationship Between Food Security and Abuse
The issue of food security can often be intertwined with abuse. For example, an individual who has suffered from physical abuse may have experienced a lack of food or hunger as part of their trauma. In other situations, it is possible to have experienced negative situations around food that were part of physical abuse as well.
As healing from trauma or abuse progresses, it is important to know that food can actually be therapeutic part of recovery. As our physical bodies are in need of constant nourishment throughout our lifetime and to maintain health and wellness, it is possible to renegotiate a previously poor relationship with food.
Understanding Gentle Nutrition
No matter what your current situation may be, it is helpful to take the perspective of gentle nutrition. Understand that your body is deserving of nourishment, foods that help you feel good and give you the energy to live life to your fullest potential.
Perhaps as a result of trauma and abuse, you have struggled with a negative mindset, poor self-esteem, or unworthiness. As you work through your healing process and grow into self-love and acceptance, you can begin to see your own value.
Nutrition-Related Self-Care Tips
Creating wholesome meals for your self and adequately nourishing your body can be a tangible way of practicing self-care. This can be done with some of these suggestions:
- Plan a time to grocery shop regularly: Creating cohesive and balanced meals begin by having the necessary ingredients on hand. Be sure that you are taking the time you need each week to shop for food.
- Incorporate Comfort foods: What foods do you have fond memories of? Plan meals that integrate both comfort and nutritious foods
- Create a healing environment: Take the time to create an ambiance that is healing, relaxing, and comforting. Have a space in your home that is clean and peaceful. Try playing calming music or lighting candles. Eating in a peaceful environment can help you enjoy your meal
If you are struggling to adequately nourish yourself because of underlying trauma or abuse or if you are dealing with any form of disordered eating, be sure to reach out to a professional, who can help you find healing and peace with your body and food.
Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!
What approaches would you take to create a meal that is healing and nourishing?
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on April 18th, 2015
Published on EatingDisorderHope.com

The EatingDisorderHope.com editorial team comprises experienced writers, editors, and medical reviewers specializing in eating disorders, treatment, and mental and behavioral health.