Eating Disorder Research and Ethics

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope

Research studies in the field of eating disorders are important for the ongoing understanding of these diseases as well for the improvement of treatment methods and outcomes for sufferers. Because eating disorders are both delicate and complex, the study of these mental health illnesses must be approached carefully and sensitively.

Research studies in general are governed and guided by ethic principles that are enacted to protect participants, volunteers, etc. who may be involved.

Applying Fundamental Principles of People’s Lives

Because many studies that investigate eating disorders involve human participants and/or experimentation, applying fundamental ethical principles are necessary to protect the rights of the people in the study, including keeping their confidential information private and secure.

Several other ethical issues are important to take into consideration when considering the use of human participants in scientific studies. These ethical principles are important for both participants and scientists who are leading the study.

Ethical Principles of Research

tie-216992_640Basic ethical principles in research involve prioritizing the protection of participants and all confidential information. Any information that may be personally revealing of a participant must be protected and kept secure.

Outside from confidentiality, privacy, and the upholding of moral responsibilities, research ethic boards that often approve applications for research projects may outline more specific ethical principles. Ethical boards often exist to protect those who are being researched as well as guide the researcher towards appropriate topics and methods of studies.

Handling Sensitive Research Data

Handling sensitive research data is not a task that should be taken lightly, and if mishandled, could create severe ethical dilemmas. While ethical principles may vary slightly among medical versus psychological studies, some guiding principles help set the foundation for strong ethical standards in research studies.

The American Psychological Association’s Ethic Codes provides principles for research ethics that should be applied and followed, including all informed-consent rules. Overall, ethic codes are important for establishing specific mandates for researchers who are conducting experimental treatment research. All participants should be informed of the nature of the job and have the cognitive ability to weigh any possible risks and benefits of this study.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

What do you think is the importance of applying ethical guidelines to research studies in the field of eating disorders? Have you participated in research studies for eating disorders? If so, what ethical principles helped protect you as a participant?


  1. American Psychological Association, “Five Principles for Research Ethics”,

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 31st, 2015
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