Building a Surreal Body Image Through Social Media

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope/Addiction Hope

Social media has dramatically changed the way we perceive each other. Through the use of social media platforms, we have the potential to shape the way that others view us by carefully developing an image that is seen through the eyes of others.

While social media can be a wonderful way to network, stay in touch, collaborate, advocate and more, it has also created a surreal way in which we interact with others.

Many times, images and statements are contentiously chosen and selected to share on social media to create an appearance of what we want and desire others to see about ourselves. For example, some individuals will take repeated pictures until they find one that is just right to share on their social media platforms. Others may use filters or editing tools to create or enhance their images to improve what the public may see.

A False Sense of Reality

When people are constantly putting the best of themselves on social media platforms, it creates a false sense of reality. For women and men who may be struggling with poor body image or low-self esteem, having this unrealistic standard portrayed on social media can trigger further issues and complications.

It can be easy to compare yourself to someone on social media, who has crafted a seemingly perfect perception of themselves. In reality though, we cannot see what is going on behind the scenes or the ins and outs of a persons life beyond the social media platform.

Approaching Social Media with Caution

woman hands holding, using smart, mobile phone city backgroundAs with any social media, it is important to approach these platforms with caution, remembering that our lives are somewhat distorted by a false sense of reality. While it can be easy to compare and think of the ways you do not measure up, it is helpful to keep yourself grounded by practicing gratitude and staying connecting to relationships in your life that support and love you for who you are.

Remember to approach social media with moderation and not to live your life through lenses that may not show the whole story.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

What are your thoughts on how social media can impact a person’s body image and view of themselves? What are some ways that you can maintain a positive body image in society that often portrays an unrealistic reality?

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on June 19th, 2015
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