Body Image: Keeping Nutrition Important

Woman In Mirror Sunglasses

When it comes to nutrition, there is a plethora of misinformation circulating the mass media. With talks of the latest diet fads or magazines promoting the magic food for “instant” ‘weight loss, it is no wonder that people are confused when it comes to knowing how to nourish their bodies.

The construed messages that are dispersed across our media sources also carry with it a dangerous message to those who may be susceptible to poor body image or disordered eating behaviors.

Countless men and women might misinterpret a marketing message for a diet promotion, causing them to significantly and dangerously alter their nutrition intake.

Fad Diets Are Marketing Ploys

The reality of the situation is that fad diets are marketing tactics meant to endorse an idea that is focused on making a profit than with a nutritious diet that supports a healthy lifestyle.

Not only are fad diets ineffective, but they can be detrimental to the overall wellness of an individual pursuing health. As the dieting market is a billion dollar industry, companies can afford to tailor a diet plan or product in a manner that seems appealing and desirable.

There are often a number of negative consequences associated with fad dieting, which can negatively impact those who are vulnerable to the marketing ploys created by the dieting industry.

These include adverse physical health, the development of a chaotic relationship with food and body, poor body image and low-self esteem, and increased risk of an eating disorder, such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder.  

Research has found dieting and fasting, which is a common behavior included in fad dieting, as a risk factor for bulimia nervosa [1].

What are ways that you can recognize a diet fad or scam? Keep these following points in mind:

  • Diet promotes the elimination of an entire food group: Many diet fads will encourage removal of an entire food group, such as fats or carbohydrates. It is important to remember that our body needs a variety of foods from each category to obtain the various nutrients we need for survival.
  • Diet promotes the use of a product or supplement: Many diet plans might encourage you to buy their product, such as a “cleansing formula”, or “detox tea”, or other supplements to name a few. Always follow the advice of your primary doctor and avoid taking outside supplements without the recommendation of your physician.
  • Diet claims to achieve a rapid result: Many diet fads will claim instantaneous weight loss or other unrealistic changes. As with any change, time is needed for practicing health behaviors. While following certain diet fads may achieve a particular result, it is important to note that these are almost always short-term and short-lived.

Taking Care of Yourself to Feel Better About Yourself

Food and body image are closely linked, and the better you are able to nourish and care for yourself, the higher the chances are that you will have greater self-esteem and confidence in yourself.

Your body is an invaluable vessel that can empower you to reach countless possibilities. Be sure you are nourishing your body with adequate sources of energy to sustain you for a life that is thriving.

Physical health and wellness is a contributing factor to your overall mental health and well-being.

If your body and mind are deprived of adequate nutrition, this will impact how you feel about yourself, your decision-making process, cognition, and more.  Proper nutrition is foundational to supporting mental health and optimal functioning.

Woman struggling with Body Dysmorphic DisorderWhile you may be surrounded by individuals who are constantly perusing the latest “diet fad”, remind yourself of the intricacy of your body and the need for proper nutrition.

If you are feeling confused about nutrition and food sources, consider meeting with a Registered Dietitian for education and helpful meal planning tips.

Learning a method of how to best nourish your body can be confusing due to the amount of misinformation we are faced with, but with the right tools, you can navigate towards long-lasting health and wellness.


[1]: National Eating Disorder Association, “Factors That May Contribute to an Eating Disorder”, Accessed 23 June 2017

The opinions and views of our guest contributors are shared to provide a broad perspective of eating disorders. These are not necessarily the views of Eating Disorder Hope, but an effort to offer discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.

We at Eating Disorder Hope understand that eating disorders result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.

Updated By: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC on August 4, 2017.
Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on August 4, 2017.
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